Our Daughter is two and a half now and last summer we spent a lot of our time heading to playgrounds at various schools and parks so this year we decided we were going to put a playground in our own backyard and headed to Toys R Us for a swingset she would love.
When I was little we had a metal set that was a bees nest magnet and rusted very quickly. The plastic in certain parts cracked and I remember getting numerous cuts from it. So we agreed to get a wooden set.
Sandy Cove from Big Backyard is what we landed on! It retails for 699.99 but we got it for a little over $500! Would I spend that kind of money on this set again? Definitely not full price and probably not on sale either. Putting this set together was seriously a pain in the butt. While it wasn't really difficult, the directions were confusing, parts were labeled funny and the wood isn't the best quality. I'm sure we could have waited a little longer to get a little nicer of a set for about the same price. Although, it probably would have had to wait till the end of the season.

Now, for the one who uses it ALL THE TIME... Our little girl loves this set. She spends most of the time playing in the sand box or climbing up to the play fort on top! She's still too little for the monkey bars, though even if she wasn't they don't look like they offer much fun! Three rails and the bottom step is much too low for a child that would be small enough to use it without their feet touching the ground! The flower box is precious. We filled it with faux flower foam and glued moss to the top and stuck in small flowers from the Dollar store!
Overall, the swingset does exactly what we wanted it to, entertain our Daughter. I only wish the wood was more durable and that the swingset was as large as it appears to be in the photo!
This can be purchased at ToysRus or